FISTS OF LEGEND to Punch Its Way Into US Theaters Posted: 23 Mar 2013 03:30 AM PDT -thumb-200x200-37493.jpg) The upcoming Korean MMA flick Fists of Legend is set to get in the ring with US audiences April 12, according to distributor CJ entertainment. That's only two days after its domestic Korean bow, though it will be a limited run with bookings currently confirmed for New York (AMC Empire, AMC Bay Terrace), New Jersey (AMC Ridgefield Park), Philadelphia (AMC Plymouth Meeting), Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Seattle. Fists of Legend is the new film from director Kang Woo-suk (Two Cops, Public Enemy, Moss), perhaps the most virile and masculine of Korean filmmakers who has been delivering testosterone-fueled fare since the early 1990s. Though never subtle and frequently light on story, Kang's films are among Korea's best commercial works. The most exciting things about... [Read the whole post on]  |
The Sky's the Limit for China as Local Box Office Soars to No.2 in World Rankings Posted: 23 Mar 2013 03:00 AM PDT  The MPAA released its annual box office report for 2012 and the biggest news was China's higher than expected ranking. Previous estimates had put the size of the market at around $2.3-2.4 billion, which would have been just under Japan's total, but the actual figure came out at $2.7 billion, an extraordinary 37% year-on-year jump. Considering the fact that last year's rise was similar (35%), it's quickly becoming clear that China is a force to be reckoned with. China is not the only growing market on the international scene as places like South Korea also experienced significant growth last year (~20%). But whereas Korea's market is probably close to saturation, China is not likely to show any signs of slowing down, particularly as it is... [Read the whole post on]  |
RIDDICK Returns, With A Creature-filled Teaser Posted: 22 Mar 2013 07:15 PM PDT  This September, Vin Diesel and David Twohy will present the next part in the Riddick franchise they have created: a film which will be called, simply, Riddick. The character of Riddick first appeared as an antihero in the science fiction horror film Pitch Black, released in 2000. In that film, a spaceship crashes on a deserted planet, and the survivors discover that whenever it gets dark, millions of monsters appear. The strongest man in the group, Riddick is a convicted murderer who has surgically enhanced eyes, allowing him to actually see the creatures. Lean and mean, Pitch Black turned out to be a far bigger worldwide success than anyone expected, and it boosted the careers of both director David Twohy and actor Vin Diesel. Both... [Read the whole post on]  |
Get Your First Look at Dante Lam's MMA Posted: 22 Mar 2013 01:30 PM PDT -thumb-200x200-37488.jpg) Among the eye-catching productions at Hong Kong Filmart earlier this week were no less than two films boasting the winning partnership of director Dante Lam and actor Nick Cheung. First was Emperor's The Demon Within, but also Distribution Workshop has released two posters and four stills for their own MMA (激战). The combat drama revolves around Nick Cheung (The Stool Pigeon) as an ex-boxer and now trainer for up-and-coming fighter Eddie Peng (Jump Ashin!, Cold War). Other cast members include Ting Mei, Andy On (The Viral Factor, Special Identity), Jack Kao and Feier Li. Here's a detailed synopsis:After a stint in prison for participating in underground boxing, 48-year-old Fai is knee-deep in debt with no solution in sight. To escape his debtors, Fai escapes to Macau... [Read the whole post on]  |
SXSW 2013 Review: HOLY GHOST PEOPLE Sadly Slips From Scary To Silly Posted: 22 Mar 2013 12:30 PM PDT  For the first hour or so Mitchell Altieri's Holy Ghost People is a tense backwoods thriller centered around a small charismatic Christian community somewhere in the Appalachian mountains. Once that hour is up, though, things turn a bit wacky and the film devolves into something significantly less tense and more simplistic. A film is only as good as its ending, and Holy Ghost People really had me going up until the ludicrous finale that conjures memories of some other great films, just rehashed and with less style. What went wrong? Just enough. However, there is more to the film than just the last fifteen minutes, which is perhaps why that last section is so frustrating.Holy Ghost People begins in a trailer, naturally, where the beaten... [Read the whole post on]  |
Seattle Intl. Film Fest Reveals First 'African Pictures' Program Posted: 22 Mar 2013 11:30 AM PDT  Late last year, the Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF) announced that it had received a three-year grant from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to design a program that would highlight the "diverse and burgeoning hotbed of filmmaking activity emerging across the continent of Africa." We previously published their press release here. Dustin Kaspar, one of SIFF's programmers, recently returned from a lengthy international trip during which he unearthed the hidden gems from the continent with the poorest cinematic representation on the planet. I was lucky enough to meet him during the Busan leg of his journey and his passion for African cinema was evident. Now SIFF has announced the 11 titles that will comprise the first 'African Pictures' program. To be honest,... [Read the whole post on]  |
First Teaser for the Sundance Hit THE KINGS OF SUMMER Will Make You Want to Dance, Dance, Dance Posted: 22 Mar 2013 07:00 AM PDT  The most rewarding part of going to a film festival is walking into a film completely blind (figuratively, of course), without knowing a thing about it but maybe who made or stars in it, and walking out completely slack-jawed. Earlier this year, that film for me was Jordan Vogt-Roberts' feature debut, The Kings of Summer (formerly Toy's House). The film stars Nick Robinson as Joe Toy. He's tired of his dad (Nick Offerman) and his dad's bullshit, so he, along with his two pals Biaggio (the incredibly funny Moises Arias) and Patrick (Gabriel Basso) run away into the woods, build their own home, and live like kings. Well, as much as a bunch of high school kids who can live like kings in the woods, anyway. I reviewed the... [Read the whole post on]  |
Friedkin's SORCERER To Be Unleashed Once Again! Posted: 22 Mar 2013 06:00 AM PDT  As part of my crazy long interview with William Friedkin that you should really read, I brought up the possibility of finally seeing Sorcerer given the respect it's due.Here's how that part of the conversation went:I have lots of people who are wondering about the status of Sorcerer. Paramount and Universal produced Sorcerer in 1977. They made a very bad VHS, and never wanted to make a DVD. What they have allowed for the decades since Sorcerer, they've allowed the prints to be screened by universities, and film societies, and art houses. They even made a new print last year, for the American Cinematheque. They had lines around the block, and they could have run it ten days or more. They had this one screening,... [Read the whole post on]  |