Najarra Townsend Has CONTRACTED Something Horrible In Eric England's Latest Posted: 13 Mar 2013 06:00 AM PDT  Director Eric England rode the slasher train to popular acclaim with his indie hit Madison County but he's up for something far more personal with the upcoming Contracted, a film he once told Bloody Disgusting he hopes "will do for hooking up with random strangers what Jaws did for going to the beach."Now in post, Contracted stars Najarra Townsend as "a young girl that has a one night stand with a random stranger and contracts what she thinks is an STD... but is actually something much worse." Were I the sort to make such jokes this is the point where I would make one about the entire film being a cautionary tale against having sex with Simon Barrett - who appears in a key role... [Read the whole post on]  |
SXSW 2013 Jury Awards Go To SHORT TERM 12 and WILLIAM AND THE WINDMILL Posted: 13 Mar 2013 05:30 AM PDT  Short Term 12, which stars Brie Larson as a supervisor at a foster home for at-risk adolescents, took home the SXSW 2013 narrative prize, awarded by a jury which included Indiewire editor and Chief Dana Harris and GQ articles editor Devin Gordon. Meanwhile, the documentary jury, which included film critic Elvis Mitchell, gave the top prize to William and the Windmill, in which the life of the titular subject changes dramatically after he successfully builds a power-generating windmill from scrap parts in order to support his family. But there were plenty of other awards to go around, from title and poster design to the Chicken and the Egg award for best female narrative filmmaker. Check them all out below! Congratulations to all. Feature Film Jury... [Read the whole post on]  |
Juno Mak Brings Back The Chinese Vampire In First Stills From His RIGOR MORTIS Posted: 13 Mar 2013 05:00 AM PDT  The vampire is coming back to Hong Kong screens. Once a staple genre in Hong Kong, the geung si has fallen out of favor in recent years, something that doesn't sit well at all with Juno Mak. He has made it his mission to bring the Chinese vampire back to the screen in his directorial debut, Rigor Mortis, and the first images have just arrived.It was back in June that our own James Marsh visited the set of the film and brought word of the dark tone that Mak is bringing to his effort, the film populated by seasoned veterans of the original classics such as Chin Siu Ho and Kara Hui. But now with word that the film is in post production and Fortissimo... [Read the whole post on]  |
Review: Stylish and Assured, NEW WORLD Is a Solid Korean Gangster Flick Posted: 13 Mar 2013 04:00 AM PDT -thumb-200x200-37303.jpg) Ever since I discovered Korean cinema, I've been a fan of the industry's frequent experimentations with genre. Almost every film that comes out of the country seems to be an amalgamation of different tropes but there is one genre that has remained for the most part untouched: the gangster film. When Korean filmmakers decide to make a gangster film, they tend to leave experimentation aside and instead look to emulate some of world cinema's most beloved criminal narratives. Ja-sung has been undercover for eight years and in that time he's risen to become the right-hand man of Cheong, the number three of Goldmoon, Korea's largest crime syndicate. Following the sudden death of the organization's chairman, a battle for succession erupts. Ja-sung's handler, Captain Kang, is... [Read the whole post on]  |
SXSW 2013 Review: REWIND THIS! Is About More Than Just Tapes, It's About Love Posted: 12 Mar 2013 07:30 PM PDT  One could be forgiven for imagining director Josh Johnson's documentary debut, Rewind This!, to be a look inside the tiny niche of the current VHS collecting boom. Many of the promotional materials are a bit misleading in that way. However, this documentary paints with a much broader brush, digging through nearly forty years of ephemera and home video history to uncover the true impact of home video tape, and specifically VHS, on the world of movie fans, movie studios, and everyone in between on the supply chain. In all honesty, there is probably enough content within Rewind This! for three or four feature length documentaries, but Johnson and his tiny team of producer Carolee Mitchell and director of photography/editor Christopher Palmer, have managed to distill... [Read the whole post on]  |
NEW KIDS Directors Announce Romantic Comedy BROS BEFORE HOS Posted: 12 Mar 2013 07:00 PM PDT  Whenever I interview directors, for fun's sake I always try and ask if their next film will be a romantic comedy. No matter how pretentious, arty or depressing the conversation is, this tends to draw a laugh. But if today I had thrown that question at Flip van der Kuil en Steffen Haars, the two writers/directors/actors of New Kids Turbo and New Kids Nitro, the answer would simply have been, "Yes". This afternoon, production company Eyeworks revealed that Flip and Steffen will direct Bros Before Hos, based on their own script. And the genre is, you guessed it: romantic comedy. The story concerns videostore clerk Max and his adopted brother Jules, who are best mates. Together they spend all of their time smoking weed, getting... [Read the whole post on]  |
SXSW 2013 Review: THE RETRIEVAL Quietly Takes on Life, Loss, and Hope Posted: 12 Mar 2013 04:00 PM PDT  Chris Eska crafted the finely-honed, modern-day drama August Evening, which featured a resilient, older Mexican immigrant who stoicly dealt with life's challenges as they arose. The Retrieval is Eska's followup, and it's a similar, low-key, high-quality affair that etches portraits of two African-American men at different stages of their lives during the Civil War era. Specifically, the film follows Will (Ashton Sanders), an orphan boy on the cusp of adulthood, and Nate (Tishuan Scott), a man who is the target of a "retrieval." Will works under the terribly firm hand of his uncle Marcus (Keston John), who is a bounty hunter in the business of returning runaway slaves. Having (seemingly) no other viable choice, the 13-year-old Will obeys and assists Marcus in his nefarious activities,... [Read the whole post on]  |
SXSW 2013 Review: SNAP Rattles Nerves as a Mind Unhinges Posted: 12 Mar 2013 02:00 PM PDT  It's always the quiet ones. Jim (Jake Hoffman) is a quiet, unassuming, hesitant, and incredibly shy young man. He escapes into music, whaling blasts of noise and harsh beats that he shapes into accompaniment for daily news footage, and posts the results on social networks, where he has built a respectable following. His constant companion Jake (Thomas Dekker), however, badgers Jim to do more, and when Jim meets the lovely Wendy (Nikki Reed) in the course of his duties as a computer repairman, Jake pushes Jim to ask ask her out on a date. Jim cannot pull the trigger, as it were, but Wendy is attracted to him and asks him out. Their date goes well, but when their natural attraction heats up physically, Jim... [Read the whole post on]  |
SXSW 2013 Review: THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE Pits Magic Against Stunts Posted: 12 Mar 2013 01:00 PM PDT  Jim Carrey easily steals the spotlight in The Incredible Burt Wonderstone away from leading man Steve Carell, but it doesn't take a magician to understand why. As the titular character, Carell is the straight man, a wildly successful Las Vegas magician who has lost his mojo, and then in one mad, oblivious swoop, loses his longtime friend and performing partner Anton Marvelton (Steve Buscemi), his long-suffering magician's assistant Jane (Olivia Wilde), and his high-paying gig at a hotel owned by obscenely wealthy Doug Munny (James Gandolfini). "Street magician" Steve Gray (Carrey) is the impetus for Burt's change of fortune; he dresses up his illusions with outrageously painful physical gags -- slicing open his cheek, spending the night sleeping on a bed of fiery coals --... [Read the whole post on]  |
SXSW 2013 Review: BIG ASS SPIDER! Attacks Los Angeles With More Humor Than Horror Posted: 12 Mar 2013 12:00 PM PDT  Truth in advertising is such a rare commodity that Big Ass Spider! gets one of its eight legs up on the competition because of it. Clearly, director Mike Mendez and his collaborators behind the camera completely buy into the idea of a cheerful, R-rated monster movie, something with the spirit of Joe Dante's Piranha or Lewis Teague's Alligator, both scripted in part by John Sayles. Those two movies updated 50s creature features for the more cynical crowd of the late 70s and early 80s, yet respected their varied inspirations as the stuff of which nuclear nightmares are made. Big Ass Spider! has fun with the idea of a giant spider terrorizing Los Angeles, mostly by centering the film around the unlikely heroic duo of expert... [Read the whole post on]  |
WTF Is The Deal With This "Reality Teaser" For Bala's PARADESI? Posted: 12 Mar 2013 11:30 AM PDT  This teaser for Bala's upcoming drama, Paradesi, has been making the rounds online since last night and the general consensus is, "What the fuck, dude?" The minute long behind the scenes teaser shows the director apparently being a prick to his actors in an effort to elicit "reality" from their performances. He beats and berates everyone in his immediate vicinity and ends the teaser with a shit-eating grin on his face. This newest attempt to market the film is perplexing a lot of people, though I have my suspicions about it's veracity.My best guess is that this is a weird, sure to be misunderstood, publicity angle attempting to prepare filmgoers for the brutality they're going to see in Paradesi. I seriously doubt that Bala, or... [Read the whole post on]  |
New Stills and Character Posters for Charlie Young's CHRISTMAS ROSE Posted: 12 Mar 2013 07:11 AM PDT  Set to hit screens later this year, Christmas Rose sees Hong Kong actress Charlie Young step behind the camera for the first time to direct Aaron Kwok, Gwei Lun Mei and Chang Chen in a high-stakes legal thriller. Gwei plays a handicapped girl who accuses her doctor of sexual assault. Awon Kwok plays her defense attorney only to go head to head across the courtroom with the man who recently replaced him at a top-ranked law firm.This seems a strange choice for Young, and the English title will certainly take some explaining, but she has gathered together a strong cast and the courtroom has always proved a popular arena for theatrical grandstanding. So while the jury is still out on the final film, a series... [Read the whole post on]  |