SXSW 2013 Review: AWFUL NICE is Painfully Funny Posted: 14 Mar 2013 01:30 AM PDT  To call director Todd Sklar's sense of humor peculiar is to understate the weird and wacky no-holds-barred comedy we've come to know in his work. One look at his hit short '92 Skybox Alonzo Mourning Rookie Card and his punch-you-in-the-balls style will be apparent. With Awful Nice, that short has now seen the feature adaptation treatment, and if the small version had you chuckling, the super-sized package will have you in stitches As seen in 92SAMRC, the story begins when Jim (James Pumphrey) finds his brother Dave (Alex Rennie) passed out in a wigwam and bribes him into driving back to Minnesota with him to attend their father's funeral. Drinking contests turn into fist fights and eventually Jim and Dave set out for Branson,... [Read the whole post on]  |
SXSW 2013 Review: SWIM LITTLE FISH SWIM Is A Sincere Look At The Stubbornness Of Artists Posted: 13 Mar 2013 10:00 PM PDT  The opening moment of Ruben Amar & Lola Bessis' Swim Little Fish Swim (his feature directorial debut, her directorial and feature acting debut) finds Bessis in a rather precarious position: hogtied and posing for a grizzly-bearded naked painter. This moment clues us in quite quickly and literally to just how wayward yet stuck Bessis' character Lilas is in her life. It also says a lot about the stubbornness, resilience, naivety and narrow-minded absurdity and idealism of artists; in other words, a veritable palette of anxieties and malaise that largely come from the fears of being seen or being unseen. Taking matters into her own hands, Lilas sets out across the vibrant and colorful streets of NYC. With a portable projector in hand, no home and... [Read the whole post on]  |
Exclusive Clip: Stephen Dorff Does Hard Time In TOMORROW YOU'RE GONE Posted: 13 Mar 2013 05:31 PM PDT  We've got a clip from the upcoming thriller Tomorrow You're Gone featuring Stephen Dorff, Willem Dafoe, and Michelle Monaghan. The film is from Down in the Valley director David Jacobson, from a script by novelist/screenwriter Matthew F. Jones. From the official synopsis: Charlie Rankin (Stephen Dorff, Blade) is out of prison, but not out of trouble. Indebted to the man who saved his life behind bars (Willem Dafoe, Spiderman), Charlie must now carry out a murder to settle the score. But things start to change for Charlie when he meets Florence (Michelle Monaghan, Mission Impossible III), a mysterious and beautiful lost soul who sees the good hidden beneath his tough exterior. When the hit goes bad, it's Charlie's life that is on the line, and... [Read the whole post on]  |
New UK Quad for SIMON KILLER Will Stare You Down! Posted: 13 Mar 2013 01:00 PM PDT  The glowing reviews are piling up for Antonio Compos' Simon Killer, director of the critically acclaimed Afterschool. Brady Corbet (Melancholia, Martha Marcy May Marlene) stars as the eponymous US college student who heads to Europe looking for excitement following some heartbreak back home. He's lost, alone and looking for adventure, but when he meets a beautiful prostitute (played by Mati Drop) things begin to turn ugly.Eureka Entertainment is bringing the film into UK cinemas on 12 April ahead of a DVD/Blu-ray release on 24 June, and have just released this rather epic looking poster. Check it out, along with the theatrical trailer, below. ... [Read the whole post on]  |
Giveaway: Win One of Five LES MISERABLES (2012) Blu-rays Posted: 13 Mar 2013 12:00 PM PDT  The latest adaptation of Les Miserables stars Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, and Russel Crowe all singing their ever-loving hearts out in startling close-ups from director Tom Hooper (The King's Speech). And you can enjoy all of the misery of Les Miserables in your own home with one of the five Blu-ray copies we've got from Universal. These are the features included on Universal's disc: The Stars of Les Misérables: Director Tom Hooper talks about casting the iconic characters, and the actors discuss why it was important to them to be a part of this groundbreaking version of Les Misérables. Creating the Perfect Paris: Production designer Eve Stewart created a massive Paris set featuring real cobblestones and running water. Take an intricate look into the detailed... [Read the whole post on]  |
Teaser Poster For Gorilla Baseball Comedy MR. GO Posted: 13 Mar 2013 11:30 AM PDT  [UPDATE: Added teaser poster and another concept art in our gallery.] Meet Mr. Go, a gorilla who also happens to be a professional Baseball player. And he may very well establish a benchmark in Korean visual effects for a photorealistic CG character. The sports comedy poses unprecedented challenges in Korean cinema, consisting of 2000 shots in full 3D photography with half of the footage allocated to bringing a Gorilla to life through performance capture and the most sophisticated CGI.Based on a popular Korean comic by Heo Yeong-man, the live action film is directed by Kim Yong-hwa (Take Off, 200 Pounds Beauty) with a $20 million budget. The cast includes Xu Jiao (Starry Starry Night, CJ7) and Sung Dong-il (Take Off, 200 Pounds Beauty).Wei Wei grew... [Read the whole post on]  |
Hit Girl Does Her Thing In Red Band KICK-ASS 2 Trailer Posted: 13 Mar 2013 10:50 AM PDT  Remember when Chloe Moretz was the talk of the town? When everybody wanted a piece of the young star and it seemed she was being offered every decent part in her age range and she was treated as a can't miss star in the making? Well, though that was only three years ago those have been three mostly miss years and you'd be forgiven if you'd gone and chalked her up as just another child star who fell off the map as soon as she stopped appearing ... well ... quite so childish.But here comes the trailer for Kick-Ass 2 to remind us why people were so excited about Moretz in the first place. It was her part as Hit Girl that made her a... [Read the whole post on]  |