Teaser For Otomo-Curated Anthology SHORT PEACE Posted: 11 Mar 2013 04:30 AM PDT  While Otomo Katsuhiro will always be best known as the director of Akira - based in turn on his own original manga - he has never allowed that one work to define him, constantly moving on with other projects - whether live action, animated or on the printed page - and showing an active interest in supporting other talents by appearing beside them in anthology projects, writing for other directors or lending his name and support as a producer. Otomo has actually released more animation as part of anthology work than as features and his latest such work, Short Peace, is coming soon.Otomo directs one of the four segments (Combustible) himself with Shuhei Morita (a contributor to Otomo's previous Freedom Project), Ando Hiroaki (co-director of... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |
Danny Boyle Plans PORNO In 2016 Posted: 11 Mar 2013 04:05 AM PDT  Danny Boyle wants to make a porno. Well, not any porno, really. And it probably won't actually be pornographic at all. He does, however, intend to release what he describes as a loose adaptation of Irvine Welsh's Porno - the sequel to Trainspotting - in 2016, ideally with the entire original cast back on board.The Playlist caught up with Boyle at SXSW, where the director told them that he believes he can get the entire cast - including Ewan McGregor, who may or may not still be nursing a grudge at being passed over for The Beach - back on board.There's always been this long term plan for 'Trainspotting 2,' if John [Hodge] can produce a decent enough script, I don't think there will be... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |
Here's Your First Look At MR. GO, the Baseball-playing Gorilla Posted: 10 Mar 2013 09:00 PM PDT  Meet Mr. Go, a gorilla who also happens to be a professional Baseball player. And he may very well mark a breakthrough in Korean visual effects for a photorealistic CG character. The comedy poses unprecedented challenges in Korean cinema, consisting of 2000 shots with half of the footage bringing a Gorilla to life through performance capture and the most sophisticated CGI and full 3D photography.Based on a popular Korean comic by Heo Yeong-man, the film is directed by Kim Yong-hwa (Take Off, 200 Pounds Beauty) with a $20 million budget, the cast includes Xu Jiao (Starry Starry Night, CJ7) and Sung Dong-il (Take Off, 200 Pounds Beauty).Wei Wei grew up in the circus with a bat-swinging gorilla named Ling Ling. After her grandfather dies in... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |
SXSW 2013 Review: THE SHORT GAME Will Double-Eagle Your Heart Posted: 10 Mar 2013 08:30 PM PDT  Documentaries live and die on the strength of their characters. Think about some of the most memorable docs in recent years; Billy Mitchell in King of Kong, Steve "Lips" Kudlow in Anvil: The Story of Anvil, or the soldiers of OP Restrepo. Each of these movies takes us into the lives of characters so remarkable, in some cases it's difficult to believe they aren't figments of a talented screenwriter's imagination. But it's the capture and vivid depiction of the too-good-to-be-true characters that ignites a narrative and makes a documentary really shine. This is absolutely the case in Josh Grenbaum's youth golf documentary The Short Game. Packed with some of the most charming seven and eight year-olds ever captured, Greenbaum takes us into their lives and... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |
RUB ONE OUT With Drugs, A Dead Hooker And A Hammer! Posted: 10 Mar 2013 07:00 PM PDT  Coming later this year is the web series Rub One Out from local Toronto lad Justin McConnell, director of The Collapsed and Skull World (set to have its World Premiere at the Canadian Film Fest on March 22nd here in Toronto). Unstable Ground begins development on RUB ONE OUT web series Affari Di Famiglia will co-produce series with Unstable Ground, Inc. Toronto, ON - Development has begun on the dark-comedy/thriller web series Rub One Out, with a 'proof of concept' trailer newly available online. The series, based loosely on an original concept by the late Kevin Hutchinson (co-creator of The Eternal and The Collapsed), will be written & produced by Justin McConnell (The Eternal, The Collapsed, Eviction), Joseph Nanni (Black Goat, It Got Out, The Necronomicon, A Day Without Cancer), and Adam Kenneth Wilson (actor... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |
"Punch It!" - Newest Trailer for J.J.'s STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS Posted: 10 Mar 2013 06:00 PM PDT  I must say, the project continues to look pretty exciting, even if it does seem like the end of Return of the Jedi with Kirk as Lando and Spock as Nien Nunb. What's nice is that formerly this would be somewhat blasphemous, but in this world where J.J. can unite the franchises, and Obama can talk of "Jedi Mind Melds", it's all fair game in the nerdoverse.Check the trailer below - things go boom, large fish scare Scottsmen, and lens flares litter the image like Tribbles falling from a chute (worst...metaphor...EVER!)LLAP, MTFBWY.... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |
Review: ARCADIA Brings Freshness To The Coming-Of-Age Tale And The Road Movie Posted: 10 Mar 2013 05:00 PM PDT  The coming-of-age story is a well-worn, indeed over-familiar mode of narrative, especially in films, but director Olivia Silver's feature debut Arcadia overcomes this pitfall by bringing great sensitivity and a nicely-honed sense of poignancy, as well as some fine performances to the proceedings. Arcadia unfolds mostly through the eyes of 12-year old Greta (Ryan Simpkins) who, along with her older sister Caroline (Kendall Toole) and younger brother Nat (Ty Simpkins, Ryan's real-life brother), are woken up in the very early morning hours by their father Tom (John Hawkes). Tom piles them all in a battered station wagon, setting them off on a 3,000 mile journey from New England to their new home in California. Tom desperately tries to allay his children's fears about being so... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |
Now On Blu-ray! Arrow Films Salutes Radley Metzger With SCORE, THE LICKERISH QUARTET, & CAMILLE 2000 Posted: 10 Mar 2013 03:00 PM PDT  I love when I am presented with opportunities to expose others to the glory of Radley Metzger and Arrow Video's recent Blu-ray special editions give me an opportunity to do just that. This trio of Metzger's most well-known works on Blu-ray is a great primer to those looking to get into his work on a larger scale. Score, The Lickerish Quartet, and Camille 2000 represent some of the very best softcore erotic drama/comedy of this golden age, and these Blu-ray discs are a great way to experience for the first (and second, and third, etc...) time!ScoreMetzger's controversial swinger comedy appears on UK Blu-ray in it's original theatrical format, which is kind of a shame as the US disc from Cult Epics has a longer more... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |
THE THIEVES Director Choi Dong-hoon Names His All Time Favorite Crime Movies Posted: 10 Mar 2013 02:30 PM PDT  South Korea's Choi Dong-hoon knows a thing or two about crime movies. His 2006 effort Tazza: The High Rollers was a huge smash hit in his native Korea and last year's heist picture The Thieves? Well, that only went down as the number one Korean movie of all time at the local box office before going on to win love around the world as well. And with The Thieves freshly out on home video in Australia, we had the chance to get in touch with Choi and find out one simple thing: What does the director of one of the most successful crime movies of all time think are the best crime movies of all time? He came back with four selections and they're not... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |
SXSW 2013 Exclusive: SWIM LITTLE FISH SWIM Trailer Makes A Delightful Splash Posted: 10 Mar 2013 02:15 PM PDT  Director Ruben Amar is no newb to the world of film festivals, what with his slew of short films, including Checkpoint, playing the likes of Slamdance, Saraosta and Palm Springs. Teaming up with his fellow French compatriot Lola Bessis for her directorial debut (as well as first starring role), the duo bring their feature Swim Little Fish Swim to the narrative competition at this year's SXSW. With the world premiere going down tomorrow, March 11th, we've got the trailer to share with you today. The film centers on a young married couple in New York who encounter familial shifts when a young french woman comes to stay with them. Yes, yes, I know how it may seem to read, but the film looks rather wonderful.... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |
SXSW 2013 Review: MILIUS Sparks New Interest in a Brilliant Filmmaker Posted: 10 Mar 2013 12:45 PM PDT  They say that in Hollywood, you're only as good as your last picture. It's a good thing nobody told the wunderkinds of yesteryear, otherwise documentarians Joey Figueroa and Zak Knuston might never have given us Milius, an exhaustingly comprehensive chronicle of one man's rise, semi-fall, and redemption in the big bad movie business. Milius progresses by the standard talking-head documentary format, and is none the worse for wear because of it, with an all-star cast of commentators driving home just how talented and esteemed a writer and director John Milius is. In the first ten minutes, there are interviews with Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Clint Eastwood, Sam Elliot, and Oliver Stone, all with nothing but glowing praise sprinkled with a healthy dose of... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |
TTTT: On Eating New Orleans (and OZ) Posted: 10 Mar 2013 09:59 AM PDT  Tudor's Twitchin' Travel Tours has always had a travel motif. If one were to go back and look at all my "TTTT" column banner graphics (and you know you want to!), the one consistent element would be that they all involve some method or evocation of travel. Even if it's the hokey photoshopped presence of my grandparents old R.V. peering out, that still counts! It's perhaps weirdly fitting then, that since I was awarded this admittedly infrequent and irregular column here at Twitch, I've done a little traveling of my own. As film-reviewing policy at Twitch became increasingly streamlined (a much-needed improvement, really), favoring those who can see and discuss new films first (and that's not me), my own film site co-incidentally emerged in... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |
SXSW 2013 Review: I AM DIVINE Lays Bare A Legend Posted: 10 Mar 2013 07:00 AM PDT  Like many sleaze fans in their mid-30s, I discovered the magic of John Waters at a relatively tender age. I have vivid memories of seeing commercials for his second crossover film, Cry Baby starring a young Johnny Depp, on television at the age of 10. However, it wasn't until a few years later, probably around 1993, that I discovered the unholy powerhouse that was Divine. I've spent years clawing my way through the works of both of these inextricably linked characters in my search for an origin, a meaning, a Big Bang beginning to the explosion of filth that has, since I was a teenager, defined my tastes. Jeffrey Schwarz's I Am Divine digs even deeper than I was able to, and finds that germ... [Read the whole post on twitchfilm.com...]  |