Twitchvision: Talking JACK THE GIANT SLAYER, STOKER, And THE GATEKEEPERS Posted: 03 Mar 2013 08:00 PM PST  Back again with another Twitchvision, this time talking about three good movies that came out this week (Jack: The Giant Slayer, Stoker and The Gatekeepers), and trying to pretend that we live in a world where 21 And Over doesn't exist.... [Read the whole post on]  |
Now on Blu-ray: THE MASTER Remains A Compelling Mystery Posted: 03 Mar 2013 06:00 PM PST  I've thought, argued and written more about The Master in the last year than almost any film in my life, yet it remains a hard work to love. Paul Thomas Anderson's paean to Hustonian excess, along with loads of debatable influences drawn from the work of one LRH and his Scientological church, did much to divide audiences, rally critics, and do what any interesting film should do - make people care about the work, whatever their reaction is to it. The day after the TIFF screening, I wrote a manic, fever-dream version of a review. In a series of back-and-forth ramblings, I tried to bring across not only what the film was, but how at its best it made one feel watching it. We... [Read the whole post on]  |
70s Rewind: THE KLANSMAN Seeks Revenge On KKK, But Fails Miserably Posted: 03 Mar 2013 11:00 AM PST  Revenge is the thematic tissue that connects Dead Man Down, the English-language debut of director Niels Arden Oplev (opening this week), and The Klansman, Terence Young's disastrously bad picture that escaped into the world in late 1974. As a young man growing up in Los Angeles, I remember that rumors about the off-screen, wild behavior of stars Lee Marvin and Richard Burton were rampant in the media. Those reports have some factual basis; Burton was hospitalized for more than a month after production concluded so he could "dry out," according to The Richard Burton Diaries, published in 2012. In any event, the evidence on screen reveals a very muted performance by Marvin and a very sad one by Burton, who appears to be barely capable... [Read the whole post on]  |
Review: Roman Porno Double Feature -- I LOVE IT FROM BEHIND! and SEX HUNTER: WET TARGET Posted: 03 Mar 2013 09:00 AM PST  I Love It From Behind! and Sex Hunter: Wet Target are spine numbers #10 and #11 for those playing along at home, and between the pair I may have a new contender for a favorite in the series, I'll get to that more later. Impulse have done a great job of mixing up these paired releases, there's typically been one roughie and one that's a little bit different, either a comedy or something significantly less violent, and that's the case here. It works really well for me because I will typically watch these as a double feature before writing them up, and all of that aggression for three hours in a row might get to me. This way I'm able to take a breather from the... [Read the whole post on]  |