Watch The Intense U.S. Trailer For Katrin Gebbe's NOTHING BAD CAN HAPPEN Posted: 23 May 2014 08:30 PM PDT  Take a moment to watch the brand new U.S. trailer for Katrin Gebbe's horror/drama Nothing Bad Can Happen. Drafthouse Films will release the film in U.S. cinemas on June 27th (which means a Canadian stop here in Toronto at tiff Lightbox! Yay!). They have followed up a kick-ass poster release yesterday with an intense trailer today. You can watch the trailer online here. The young Tore seeks in Hamburg a new life among the religious group called The Jesus Freaks. When he by accident meets a family and helps them to repair their car, he believes that a heavenly wonder has helped him. He starts a friendship with the father of the family, Benno. Soon he moves in with them at their garden plot, not knowing what... [Read the whole post on]  |
ANT-MAN: Edgar Wright Is No Longer The Director Posted: 23 May 2014 02:45 PM PDT  This is terrible, terrible news. Edgar Wright won't direct Ant-Man after all. While he had put together an amazing cast for his big Marvel film, including Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas, he is now out of the project due to creative differences with the studio. A statement was released (via The Hollywood Reporter), confirming that Ant-Man will still be released on July 17, 2015, but from now on it will not be an Edgar Wright film. "Marvel and Edgar Wright jointly announced today that the studio and director have parted ways on Ant-Man due to differences in their vision of the film. The decision to move on is amicable and does not impact the release date on July 17, 2015. A new director will be announced shortly."... [Read the whole post on]  |
Cannes 2014 Review: THE BLUE ROOM, A Surreal And Engaging Noir Thriller Posted: 23 May 2014 02:00 PM PDT  While most film audiences outside France will recognize Mathieu Amalric as the villain from Quantum of Solace, he's been directing films in addition to his great acting work for more than twenty years in his native country. HIs last feature, On Tour, about American burlesque dancers in France, won him a directing award at Cannes a few years ago. With his latest, The Blue Room, Amalric has created a wonderfully surreal yet subtle noir thriller, the kind that, while not necessarily surprising in content (it's based on the book by Georges Simenon), is strange enough in execution to keep the audience's interest and attention.Julien (Amalric) had been having an extramarital affair with Esther (Stéphanie Cléau), who is also married; he is recounting their story to a magistrate,... [Read the whole post on]  |
Cannes 2014 Review: THE SEARCH, A Solid Lob Right Down The Middle Posted: 23 May 2014 01:00 PM PDT  Somebody remind Michel Hazanavicius that he already has the Oscar. Because it seems that the raison d'être for the French director's multi-lingual, morally hectoring war drama is solely to add some weight to his effervescent filmography. To bolster his standing as the Gallic auteur Hollywood can count on. Cher Michel - don't you know you've had that all along? To strengthen that bridge between Rive Gauche and the West Coast, Hazanavicius turns east. To the Caucasus then, back to the year 1999. That was the year Russia reinvaded Chechnya, a former Motherland subject that had been a de facto independent republic for most of the 1990s, surviving the year and a half skirmish between 1995 and '96 that would later be known as the First Chechen War.... [Read the whole post on]  |
Interview: Jessica Lowe Talks About BLENDED Posted: 23 May 2014 12:00 PM PDT  Blended is the latest Adam Sandler/Drew Barrymore pairing, a reunion of sorts with their "Wedding Singer" director Frank Coraci. It's a Brady Bunch-style tale that includes the regular family shenanigans, exotic trips, and some pretty straightforward plotting. While most critics at the screening were not enthralled, the audience at the pre-screening loved it, and it's possible this might be another monster hit for these guys. The film is told with gusto, with the ensemble surrounding the leads providing much of the films colour. Kevin Nealon, Bella Thorne, Terry Crews and newcomer Jessica Lowe provide some great moments that set this apart from being another run-of-the-mill Sandler comedy. Lowe spent time in Europe honing her improv craft, and brings to screen a broad, bold performance... [Read the whole post on]  |
Legendary Actor Nakadai Tatsuya Talks THE FACE OF ANOTHER And The Golden Age Of Japanese Cinema Posted: 23 May 2014 11:00 AM PDT  Handsome, expressive, with a wry sense of humour and an incredible range, Nakadai Tatsuya starred in some of the films the defined Japan's Golden Age of cinema, working with directing icons like Kobayashi Masaki, Kurosawa Akira, and Ichikawa Kon in films like Ran, The Human Condition, Harakiri and Enjo. I was honoured to speak with Mr. Nakadai during his appearance at the Museum of the Moving Image's special screening of his 1966 avant-garde exploration of identity, THE FACE OF ANOTHER.Nakadai Tatsuya: I've turned 81 now, so my memory is not what it used to be. Is it all right if I refer to notes from time to time?The Lady Miz Diva: That would be fine. THE FACE OF ANOTHER is a very avant-garde project. Did... [Read the whole post on]  |
Cannes 2014 Review: WILD TALES Is Wicked Fun Posted: 23 May 2014 10:30 AM PDT  I've seen some of the best (and worst) films out of twenty years of doing festivals by seeing that random film that fits between two scheduled other screenings. Sometimes it works (it's how I discovered a love for Kim Ki-Duk, for example), sometimes it does not (most of time). Add to the fact that masochists like me that never leave a screening, staying 'till the bitter end and often exuding more energy doing so than the filmmakers seem to have brought to the table, then lottery of the unknown film can sometimes be a deadly one. That's how I found myself in a relatively short line for "some Argentinian film" as the person standing next to me put it when I asked what we were... [Read the whole post on]  |