The Stack: March Editorial -- You And Your Spleen: A Guide To Trolling The 2013 Oscars

The Stack: March Editorial -- You And Your Spleen: A Guide To Trolling The 2013 Oscars

The Stack: March Editorial -- You And Your Spleen: A Guide To Trolling The 2013 Oscars

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 04:00 PM PST

Welcome back to The Stack! There are all kinds of stacks. I have stacks of films that need watching and reviewing. Stacks of books that need read and links that need sorting through etc. But once a month I'll be sorting through another stack; the stack of issues that present themselves to all of us out there in the geek-verse. Please accept this humble and yet I hope provocative editorial on the 2013 Oscars, the temptation to troll and that noblest of all body organs -- the spleen. ...

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Review: THE ATTACKS OF 26/11 Is A Brutally Violent And Vapid Exercise In Grotesquery

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 01:00 PM PST

There was a time when a new Ram Gopal Varma film was a thing to anticipate with great hopes. It can be difficult to remove the artist from the art, however, Ram Gopal Varma (RGV) has made a career of melding the two. The constant flow of controversy that flows from him like water from a spring has become something of a given in India these days. If he isn't promoting his own films, he's saying something incredibly offensive to keep his name in bold typeface on the front of the gossip mags. It makes for an entertaining character, that's for sure, but somewhere along the way RGV stopped focusing on what made him famous in the first place: making good movies.The terrorist attack on Mumbai...

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IFFR 2013 Review: MATTERHORN Climbs To An Emotional High

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 07:00 AM PST

(This one puts the gut-punch back in Punchline...) This year, Matterhorn won the Audience Award of the International Film Festival Rotterdam, the first Dutch film since 1997's The Polish Bride to do so. Local films were strongly represented in the Audience Awards, as no less than three Dutch titles wound up in the Top 10. Even so, Matterhorn stands out because it won the award with an astonishingly high scoring average of 4.725 out of 5. On top of that, it was a world premiere AND the debut film of its director Diederik Ebbinge, a well-known actor and comedian who also wrote the script. Whoa! To be honest: I missed seeing the film during its run at the festival, but thankfully it went into wide...

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