Blu-ray Review: MARDOCK SCRAMBLE (SECOND COMBUSTION) Posted: 01 Apr 2013 04:00 AM PDT  (Killing Machine Became Teenage Gambler...) It's almost ridiculous how fitting it is to review a Mardock Scramble film during Easter, what with the series' strange obsession with eggs so far. On top of that, it tells the continuing story of someone's resurrection, although that is where all comparisons between Rune Ballot and a certain deified prophet end. Mardock Scramble: The Second Combustion is the middle film in an anime trilogy about Rune Balot, an under-aged prostitute who is murdered by a mob-boss, but brought back to life as a nearly indestructible cyborg. Witness protection is apparently a VERY literal thing in the future, and as the detectives on the case fear for Rune's life, they have changed her into a walking weapons platform who can... [Read the whole post on]  |
Korean Box Office: G.I. JOE 2 Wipes Out the Competition, or Was It Lee Byung-hun's Abs? Posted: 01 Apr 2013 12:00 AM PDT  Spring is in the air following a long winter and as a result Korea's multiplexes saw a dip in admissions. Hollywood took back the top spot during the weakest frame in quite some time as only 1.64 million tickets were sold. Moreover, due to the new foreign number 1, only 42% of admissions were occupied by local releases. Following a huge winter for the Korean film industry the outlook for local productions is a bit weaker for the coming months as people will enjoy the great weather before the sweltering summer will force them back into the theaters. Title Release Date Market Share Weekend Total Screens 1 G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation (us) 13/03/28 43.20% 708,267 830,048 761 2 Very Ordinary Couple 13/03/21 20.90% 361,060 1,285,731... [Read the whole post on]  |
Gore Hounds Rejoice. HEMLOCK GROVE Clip Reveals Bloody Brutality Posted: 31 Mar 2013 11:30 PM PDT  Maybe Netflix really are the new kingmakers in TV-style series. After delivering the epic remake of BBC series House of Cards to hungry binge-viewing audiences in February, the streaming service is gearing up Hemlock Grove, its new supernatural show executive produced by Nazi hunter Eli Roth. And now we have a clip from the show, set to premiere on April 19, which shows just what having Roth on board a TV show looks like. Result: absolutely, shockingly, insane. Sure, the FX are TV-like in their realism, but hell, it works. I was left staggered. Check it out below.... [Read the whole post on]  |
Review: DOCTOR WHO S7E07, THE BELLS OF SAINT JOHN (Or, Yet Another Introduction To Clara Oswald) Posted: 31 Mar 2013 12:00 PM PDT  It's difficult to pretend that being introduced to the Doctor's new companion on three different occasions isn't overkill on Steven Moffat's part. The first time was a genuine surprise, the second was magical and fun, but at this point it's getting a little tiresome. Jenna-Louise Coleman makes for a very watchable presence, and her liveliness is really all that keeps this from being even more frustrating. "The Bells of Saint John" is a frantically paced reintroduction to the world of Doctor Who; it tries to do just a bit too much and while parts of it are effective, it ends up being a little disappointing.We find the Doctor residing in Cumbria in 1207, posing as a monk. He stares at a painting of Clara, hoping... [Read the whole post on]  |
Full Disclosure: Twitch's Lists of Shame - March (Part 2) Posted: 31 Mar 2013 10:00 AM PDT  Continued from here...The Wages of Fear (dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1953 France)Winner of the Grand Prix at Cannes Film Festival, Golen Bear at Berlin International Film Festival, BAFTA for Best Film from any Source, Blue Ribbon Award for Best Foreign Language FilmBen Umstead, East Coast Editor:I'm going to be brutally honest here. It ain't gonna be pretty and will probably put any serious film writing I do to question, but here goes... I found Henri-Georges Clouzot's The Wages Of Fear utterly boring. Yep. I'm certain one Jason Gorber is spinning in his easy chair right about now, so I'll imagine him asking this: "But how, Ben? How? It's one of the greatest suspense movies of all time! The slow build up of tension, the absolute moment-to-moment... [Read the whole post on]  |