Review: MACHETE KILLS, Drilling Grindhouse Viewers Into Submission Posted: 09 Oct 2013 11:11 PM PDT  Self-aware, self-referential, and self-abusing, Machete Kills splatters a full load of gooey grindhouse goodness onto the screen even before the main titles roll. Having turned the volume up to 11, however, that leaves more than 100 minutes to be filled with something, and so Robert Rodriguez and company have elected to do more of the same, stringing together bite-sized exploitation stand-bys -- beheadings, gushing blood, machine-gun brassieres, beheadings, martial arts performed by clones, a ticking bomb sewn to a human heart, beheadings, angry prostitutes, an undercover beauty queen, beheadings, Mexican jokes, Charlie Sheen as the U.S. President, Mel Gibson as a brilliant tech villain who claims he can see the future, and more beheadings -- and pretending that the plot matters one iota. (Note: It... [Read the whole post on]  |
Hey, LA! Experience 13 Nights Of Horror And Music At The Inaugural SpectreFest! Posted: 09 Oct 2013 06:00 PM PDT  Where are you going to find screenings of An American Werewolf In London, Cheap Thrills, and Grand Piano- among others - along with indie rocker Ariel Pink providing live score to a curated selection of short films? Get yourself to the CineFamily, LA dwellers, for the inaugural SpectreFest running October 19 - 31!SpectreVision, the company founded and partnered by Elijah Wood, Daniel Noah and Josh C. Waller has announced their first annual SpectreFest in partnership with Cinefamily to be held in Hollywood from October 19-31. "Our aim with SpectreFest is to provide an immersive, visceral experience beyond mere entertainment," says co-founder Daniel Noah. "Genre films, as well as cinema's close cousin, music, can tweak our minds to show us new ways of interpreting the world... [Read the whole post on]  |
Brian Lonano Delivers A Stellar Festival Trailer For Atlanta's Buried Alive Posted: 09 Oct 2013 05:00 PM PDT  Regular readers of Twitch should be well familiar with the work of Brian Lonano at this point, the helmer having become a major favorite in these parts with his unique, hand crafted aesthetic. And Lonano's back on our radar today thanks to the festival trailer he's put together for Atlanta's Buried Alive Film Festival. You can check out the festival website here and check out the trailer below.... [Read the whole post on]  |
Hey Indonesia! JAGAL (THE ACT OF KILLING) Now Available In Your Region Posted: 09 Oct 2013 04:00 PM PDT  Back in late August of this year Twitch noted that the well acclaimed documentary produced by Werner Herzog and Errol Morris, The Act Of Killing (Indonesia titled Jagal), was being made available to watch for free in Indonesia, where the events the film is centered on took place.So consider this a friendly reminder for those of you in Indonesia: It's not a streaming copy, even better, it's a decent 540p digital copy to download, and to watch with your colleagues, friends and family.This is a bold move by Drafthouse Films. This kind of documentary will never find a place to screen in Indonesia with it's sensitive subject that pretty much offended the current men in power and uncover the long buried history. It would put... [Read the whole post on]  |
Morelia 2013 Chingonized: Robert Rodriguez And Danny Trejo In Morelia To Present MACHETE KILLS! Posted: 09 Oct 2013 03:00 PM PDT  Rumors turned out to be true and Robert Rodriguez is confirmed as special guest for this year's Morelia International Film Festival, kicking off on October 18. During his very first visit to a Mexican film festival, RR won't be alone as Machete himself, Danny Trejo, is coming to Morelia for the second time (Trejo was there in 2010 presenting the first Machete movie). The Machete Kills Mexican premiere is happening in downtown Morelia (Cinépolis Centro) on Saturday, October 19 with a couple of screenings (8:45 PM and 9 PM); the third and final festival showing of Machete Kills is scheduled for Friday, October 25 at Cinépolis Las Américas VIP 2 (9 PM). Get ready to see Morelia chingonized! Twitch's Morelia 2013 coverageInternational Lineup: BLUE IS... [Read the whole post on]  |
Zombies Arrive In Cambodia! RUN From The Official Trailer! Posted: 09 Oct 2013 02:05 PM PDT  It was back in early July that Twitch ran the first images from Cambodian zombie film Run. Tracking an outbreak that begins in a Phnom Penh hospital before spreading out into the streets this is new ground for the Asian nation and with an October 23rd release date looming the official trailer has arrived, with English subtitles included.The verdict? Better than you're probably expecting. The story line certainly doesn't break any new ground but the footage is energetic and the gore elements look like they're poised to deliver. Check it out below!... [Read the whole post on]  |
Hey, LA! WHY DON'T YOU PLAY IN HELL Posted: 09 Oct 2013 12:30 PM PDT  I mean... would you like to win tickets to see Sono Sion's latest Why Don't You Play In Hell? The LA premiere is this Sunday, October 13th as part of Beyond Fest at The American Cinematheque at The Egyptian. To read more about the fest click right here, for more on the giveaway just move your eyes down a minute fraction of some kind of mathematical measurement or whatever. Okay, there. Good. Now I am assuming you would like to win tickets. After all it's Sono Sion directing Sakaguchi Tak, Kunimura Jun and Tsutsumi Shinichi in a yakuza/martials arts mashup about filmmaking, and I am talking film, as in celluloid, filmmaking. There's also a healthy dose of crazy. Per usual with Sono.All you have to... [Read the whole post on]  |
The Stack: AMERICAN HORROR STORY ASYLUM, THE EXORCIST 40TH, EUROPA REPORT, FANTASTIC VOYAGE and more... Posted: 09 Oct 2013 11:00 AM PDT  This episode of The Stack covering October 8 releases finally sees us caught up from the huge piles of media that covered my desk while I was away at Fantastic Fest 2013. It's a good pile to! American Horror Story Asylum and a pair of vintage sci-fi flicks, Fantastic Voyage and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea from 20th Century Fox. Magnolia sent the compelling Europa Report, The Exorcist gets a 40th Anniversary Edition and a whole bunch of other goodies hit as well. Whatchadoin? Get watchin! The Necron-Om-Nom-Nom-Nom-Nicon shirt by Nathan Davis... [Read the whole post on]  |
Hey, Toronto! Spend Your Halloween Being Bitten By GINGER SNAPS! Posted: 09 Oct 2013 09:00 AM PDT  The TIFF Bell Lightbox has got one hell of a lineup of Halloween themed programming this year and we want you to see it all! We've already passed on tickets to catch The Exorcist and The Changeling and also playing on the big night is Orphan Black co-creator John Fawcett's original Canadian indie horror hit Ginger Snaps with screenwriter Karen Walton on hand! We've got two pairs of tickets to give away for this one and all you need to do to stake your claim is email me here and name the Ginger Snaps actress who turned heads once again in recent Canadian indie horror hit American Mary.Two Goth-influenced sisters have their boring suburban lives disrupted when the eldest and more rebellious, Ginger (Katharine Isabelle),... [Read the whole post on]  |
Now on DVD: THE BEST OF THE ORIGINAL AN EVENING AT THE IMPROV, Reliving The 80s, One Comedian At A Time Posted: 09 Oct 2013 08:30 AM PDT  Debuting in the fall of 1982 on the A&E television network, An Evening at the Improv featured a variety of stand-up comics doing their routines before an audience at a Los Angeles comedy club. Now 12 hours of material from the series has been collected together for a 4-disc set from Somerville House, out this week on Region 1 DVD. Coming early in a wave of similar shows that swept through broadcast and cable networks in the 80s, An Evening at the Improv featured Budd Friedman, who founded The Improv in New York in 1963 and opened a Los Angeles location in 1975. Friedman introduced a co-host for each weekly show; the co-host served as master of ceremonies, doing a bit at the top of... [Read the whole post on]  |
Destroy All Monsters: The Gravity Of The Real Posted: 09 Oct 2013 08:00 AM PDT  Science! Outer space! Realism! One of my favourite ongoing series of articles comes to us care of Dr. Andy Howell over at Ain't It Cool News, wherein he analyzes the science behind various science fiction blockbusters - always tongue-in-cheek, but sometimes (as, for example, with Star Trek Into Darkness) with surprisingly accurate critical commentary extending from the scientific perspective. It's fun to spitball the plausibility of the hard science in, say, Avatar; and in a lot of cases, it's a useful teaching tool, too. That might have been what Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson was trying to do this weekend with regard to Gravity (watch Willem and Miranda's review here). Tyson received media attention on Monday morning after posting a series of tweets regarding the "Mysteries... [Read the whole post on]  |
Giveaway: Win Yerself 100 BLOODY ACRES, Y'all!! On DVD. Posted: 09 Oct 2013 07:00 AM PDT  This movie -- 100 Bloody Acres -- is simply outstanding in it's field. Very simply. Rednecks? check. Gore? Check. Meat Grinder? Check. Flying nuns? Sorry. Sally Field could not be reached for comment. But I have no doubt she would have jumped at the chance to be in this and you should not pass up a chance to win one of the five DVD's we've been sent. The disc has a ton of extras and the film has a lot of solid buzz. To win email me here.Use the subject line: OOEY GOOEY SOO-EEEYFirst five to enter get the goods. ... [Read the whole post on]  |
Vancouver 2013 Dispatch: WOLF CHILDREN, RHYMES FOR YOUNG GHOULS, And MISS VIOLENCE Posted: 09 Oct 2013 06:00 AM PDT  Between Wolf Children and Summer Wars, Mamoru Hosoda is establishing himself as a gifted anime auteur (with "anime" functioning as a descriptive word, not a qualifier) whose style, visually and thematically, lies somewhere between Ghibli fare and the work of the late Satoshi Kon. Hosoda employs the curiosity and wonder of a child's eye, and the steadfast moral heart of Miyazaki and co.'s finest works, with Kon's wry humour and tendency towards genre-bending. In Wolf Children, the director strikes an effortless, airy balance that bounds from sentimental (in the best way) to witty, to moving, to silly and back again. Plenty of comedic mileage is milked from the film's central conceit--two children experience particularly tricky growing pains, being half-wolf and half-human--including my favourite moment, wherein... [Read the whole post on]  |