Eerie First Teaser For Cabbie Thriller ABDULLAH Posted: 18 May 2014 04:30 AM PDT  UK-based Ne'er Do Well Films and sometime Twitch contributor Evrim Ersoy are already making waves on the festival circuit, with 2012's Tokophobia in particular proving a shocking and memorable addition to FrightFest's short film programme that year. Writer/director Ersoy reteams with cinematographer Stephen Murphy and producers James Pearcey and Russell Would for his latest effort, Abdullah, a noirish urban nightmare that follows an increasingly alienated Turkish cabbie as he works the bustling, culturally-diverse streets of present day London.It's an excellent little film that should be popping up at a host of film festivals around the world in the coming months, but Twitch can now give you a taste of what's to come with a first look at the film's teaser trailer. Check it out below.... [Read the whole post on]  |
Cannes 2014 Review: A HARD DAY Is Easy-To-Love Genre Cinema Posted: 18 May 2014 03:00 AM PDT  If you feel that tough genre fare in Korea has been spinning its wheels of late, you're not alone. While generally well made, the élan of yesteryear's hardboiled Korean thrillers has recently been replaced by a growing sense of familiarity and an alarming whiff of complacency. There have been exceptions, but by and large those have come from name directors afforded more creative freedom in an industry dominated by financiers unwilling to give new talent much autonomy. Things started to look a little better last year with the release of Cold Eyes and Hide and Seek and bucking the trend once more is A Hard Day, a terrific new mid-level genre offering that was invited to the Director's Fortnight sidebar at Cannes this year. Homicide... [Read the whole post on]  |
Check Out The First Poster For Thomas Daley's TIGER HOUSE Posted: 18 May 2014 02:00 AM PDT  Fresh from the Market at Cannes, we can share with you the first poster for Thomas Daley's thriller Tiger House. Front and center you will notice the film's heroine Kaya Scodelario hefting a pretty mean crossbow. Below her are her adversaries. Left to right should be Brandon Auret, Dougray Scott, Ed Skrein and Langley Kirkwood. Everyone looks ready to rumble. Scodelario is Kelly, a young gymnast who has snuck into her boyfriend's family home only to become embroiled in a 'tiger kidnapping' when a group of bank robbers abduct the father of the house to use him to break into the cash depository that he manages. With one of the robbers gravely injured and Kelly the only unknown element in an otherwise meticulously planned heist, it's... [Read the whole post on]  |
Cannes 2014 Review: IT FOLLOWS, A Somber, Effective And Assured Thriller Posted: 18 May 2014 01:08 AM PDT  With a terrific cold opening, a somber and effective mood, strong performances and assured direction, there's lots to love about It Follows. It's a kind of pure thriller, with a few shocks mixed into what's a remarkably consistent vision that makes for a quite powerful experience.The concept is beautifully simple, but its one of the pleasures of the film to find out just what's going on after the shocking opening sequence. Without being too vague, suffice it to say this is one of the more macabre games of tag in any genre film, with the added benefit of providing one of the more problematic of sexually transmitted concerns.There's no specific genre category that the film falls into, other than the slow-moving trope popularized by Romero... [Read the whole post on]  |
Xlrator Smuggles THE MULE Into The U.S. For Distro Posted: 17 May 2014 08:00 PM PDT  The U.S. rights for the Aussie comedy thriller The Mule have been picked up by Xlrator Media from Entertainment One Films International's newly launched boutique sales arm Séville International. Xlrator will release the film on their 'Macabre' label later this year in the Fall. The film had its World Premiere at SXSW this past Spring. "Based on true events, THE MULE is the wildest, funniest, most suspenseful thriller I've seen in years," said Barry Gordon. "It was one of the biggest surprises at SXSW and a triumph for actor-writer-director-producer Angus Sampson.""After the astonishing reception to THE MULE by the fine folk at SXSW, we are thrilled that all of America will soon be able to consume this unique film," said writer/director Angus Sampson. "And it's all... [Read the whole post on]  |
Fantaspoa 2014 Review: RABBIT WOMAN (MUJER CONEJO) Is Part Thriller, Part B-Movie, And Always Pretty Damn Good Posted: 17 May 2014 07:00 PM PDT  Ana Yang is the name of the lead character in Rabbit Woman (Mujer Conejo), a live-action film from Argentina that features some animated sequences as well. The name of its director is Veronica Chen, so we can indeed deduce the female protagonist's background comes right from the director's personal life. They both have a common Latin name and a Chinese surname, though Ana Yang has oriental features and Veronica Chen hasn't. Still, Yang can't speak Chinese and will be a "foreigner" when entering the underworld that said country has developed in Argentina. Chen takes us to the darkest corners of a Chinatown and still feels entirely fresh, mainly because Chinese Argentine culture is not something I usually see explored in film. It presents well-known social issues,... [Read the whole post on]  |
Hey Canada! GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Live Q&A This Monday! Posted: 17 May 2014 06:00 PM PDT  First of all, check out this nifty new poster for Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy! Second, If ever a Canadian needed a reason to sober up before the May 2-4 (pronounced TwoFour) long weekend ends the following news might just be that reason. On Monday, May 19th there will be a live Q&A with the cast of Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy on the Marvel Canada Facebook Page. Guest will include Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, and Director James Gunn. Then there is an exclusive world premiere of a new trailer too. So. If you have a burning question to ask about the film or be the first one in Canada to ask Karen Gillan to marry them (that day) then mark your calender. This all happens... [Read the whole post on]  |
Are These The Unaltered STAR WARS Trilogy Films You Are Looking For? Posted: 17 May 2014 05:00 PM PDT  Attention old fogies who have not given up the dream of owning unaltered editions of the original Star Wars trilogy! Myself included! There is a whopping too good to be true rumor running around that Disney is planning to re-release A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi in their original unaltered states on DVD, Blu-ray and OnDemand. According to an interesting e-mail we've intercepted, and which purports to come from within Disney's marketing department, the studio are planning to re-release A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi on DVD/Blu-Ray/On Demand in their original form, without all the things George Lucas changed for the "Special Edition" releases back in 2004. BleedingCool.comThis, of course, has been an original Star... [Read the whole post on]  |