First Trailer for APPLESEED ALPHA Has Arrived Posted: 13 May 2014 03:07 AM PDT  This summer, we'll get a new Appleseed feature in cinemas, and the good people of have just posted an English-language trailer for it. This iteration is called Appleseed Alpha, and shows the adventures of female supersoldier Deunan and her friend Briareos, who after grievous battle injuries has been resurrected as a giant cyborg. Together they travel across an urban landscape ravaged by war, looking for pockets of civilization. The director is Aramaki Shinji, who also did the previous two Appleseed cgi-films and, more recently, the Space Pirate Captain Harlock 3D movie. Plot-wise, it sounds like this film stays a bit closer to Masamune Shirow's manga stories. Image-wise, well... faces look a lot more realistic when compared to the earlier films, but Deunan now wears a... [Read the whole post on]  |
A Few Early Peeks Into THE ABCs OF DEATH 2 Posted: 13 May 2014 12:00 AM PDT  Distributor Magnet will be releasing a second ABCs of Death film later this year. Like the first film, this will be a horror anthology of 26 short films, all by different directors, and each focusing on a specific letter of the alphabet. For this new installment, the full roster of directors has been known for a while already (just click this sentence), but now Magnet has given a few websites a couple of screenshots, exclusive to each of them. We have collected them all below, but also check the sites they came from, as each has its own snippet of ABCs news worth reading. Note: In the interest of full disclosure, The ABCs Of Death 2 is produced by Ant Timpson and Tim League, in... [Read the whole post on]  |
Cannes 2014 Preview: Critics' Week and Directors' Fortnight Posted: 12 May 2014 10:08 PM PDT  Pull your tuxedos out of storage, boys and girls, because it's that time of year again! Yup, those feverish ten days where the international arthouse's biggest names mingle on the French Riviera with harried paparazzi looking for the perfect shot, frenzied distributors trying to cut the perfect deal and yacht-owning oligarchs trying to throw the perfect party. It may be a madhouse, and it is certainly over the top, but it's all in the name of (capital C) Cinema. A warm reception here can change a film's -- and filmmaker's - trajectory forever. It's the Cannes Film Festival, friends, and it starts in on May 14th. Over the next few days, we'll be spotlighting some of the most interesting films in this year's selection. Today, we'll... [Read the whole post on]  |
Fantaspoa 2014 Interview: Lloyd Kaufman Talks RETURN TO NUKE 'EM HIGH, Motörhead's Lemmy, And More Posted: 12 May 2014 12:00 PM PDT  While the Troma retrospective is not over yet at Fantaspoa, Lloyd Kaufman leaved the city of Porto Alegre today in order to make of Cannes a Troma-occupied territory once more. During the night of the Brazilian premiere of Return to Nuke 'Em High Volume 1, I had the honor to interview the always kind and funny Kaufman. Twitch: I know you are leaving Brazil tomorrow, so tell me about the Fantaspoa experience and the video you are recording here. Lloyd Kaufman: I'm recording some lessons for students. We have the Make Your Own Damn Movie Channel so usually when I come to an event like this and I'm just filming randomly, there is some kind of lesson that comes out of it. I don't know... [Read the whole post on]  |
Review: TANTA AGUA, A Fine Tuned Familial Comedy from Uruguay Posted: 12 May 2014 11:00 AM PDT  Alberto (Néstor Guzzini), a schlubby divocé takes his two unenthused children, Lucia (Málu Chouza) and Federico (Joaquín Castiglioni) on a road trip from Montevideo to a famed hot spring. The problem is, when they get there, the pool is closed because of an electric storm. Then the kids are surprised to find out that the motel room they are staying at doesn't even have a TV. But dad is determined to have some quality time with the kids. Not even torrential downpour won't stop his plans. But much to Al's annoyance, kids only want to eat what their mom packed for them and play with kids their own age. Al's idea of easy-peasy-lemon-squeazy vacation becomes difficult-difficult-lemon-difficult.As the focus of the film moves from Al to... [Read the whole post on]  |
Pretty Packaging: Take A Look At The French WORLD WAR Z Limited Edition Posted: 12 May 2014 10:00 AM PDT  (Like a zombie I stumbled across something very palatable-looking!) Despite its massive cost-overruns and being sniggered at by the press upon its release, World War Z was actually profitable, doing decent business across the globe. Me, I like the film, even though it still seems unfinished, and the design materials only point out how much epic potential has been missed. But it has a couple of great moments, and the unrated version actually provides just enough gore to qualify for the genre. So I wanted to buy the Blu-ray for my collection. Now when I buy a film on Blu-ray these days, I always go for the 3D option when given half the chance. I mean, if it's THERE, why not? In the case of... [Read the whole post on]  |
ON THE JOB Opens 6th Terracotta Far East Film Festival Posted: 12 May 2014 10:00 AM PDT  One of the best showcases of Asian Cinema in the UK, the Terracotta Far East Film Festival is back for its 6th year from 23 May to 1 June, and boasts a spectacular line-up of some of the most high-profile Asian titles from the past 12 months.Taking place at two separate London venues this year, events kick off in spectacular style at the ICA on 23 May, with Erik Matti's fantastic thriller On The Job, which debuted at Cannes last year and kicks off a showcase of Filipino cinema. Matti will be in attendance at the event and will take part in a Q&A after the film. The festival then moves to the fantastic Prince Charles Cinema for the Current Asian Cinema and Terracotta Horror All-Nighter... [Read the whole post on]  |
First JU-ON: THE BEGINNING OF THE END Trailer Says You Can Go Back Again Posted: 12 May 2014 09:00 AM PDT  Here's the most shocking part of the trailer for upcoming Japanese horror film Ju-on: The Beginning of the End - the continuation of a franchise tht exists purely for the purpose of shocking its audience: It looks good. Very good. Sure, original director Shimizu Takashi may have moved on but director Ochiai Masayuki appears to have learned a lesson or two from the previous films as the look and feel is bang on to Shimizu's work. Yep, Toshio o'plenty. Check out the new teaser below.... [Read the whole post on]  |