SNOWPIERCER Revealed Through New Passport Images Posted: 06 Apr 2013 03:30 AM PDT  It's a little hard to overstate how excited we are about Bong Joon-ho's (Memories of Murder, The Host) latest here at Twitch. His new sci-fi Snowpiercer has been getting tongues wagging since it was announced and we've all greedily devoured every new sliver of information that has emerged. Today's fresh haul gives us are biggest look yet into the world of Bong's highly-anticipated English-language debut. Rather than normal stills, this new set of images comes from promotional character passports that have surfaced in Korea. They reveal Chris Evans, Tilda Swinton, John Hurt, Octavia Spencer, Ewen Bremner, Jamie Bell, Ed Harris, Song Kang-ho and Ko Asung in character, with director Bong on set thrown in for good measure. It's a little bit of a tease as we're... [Read the whole post on]  |
Trailer Arrives for Dark Indie CAROLINE AND JACKIE Posted: 05 Apr 2013 03:54 PM PDT  Adam Christian Clark's moody drama Caroline and Jackie found plenty of fans when it premiered at Tribeca one year ago. Written by ACC and produced by Adam Hendricks, the white-people-drinking-wine-dinner-party indie with a twist was picked up by Phase 4 Films who have just released this trailer. Marguerite Moreau and Bitsie Tulloch star as sisters who get together for a birthday where some dark secrets are revealed. On a celebratory birthday trip, Caroline visits her sister, Jackie and her boyfriend. What starts out as a fun evening with close friends quickly goes askew. Caroline and the group attempt to support Jackie for an apparent illness - though it's unclear who really needs the most help. Check out the trailer below and look for the film... [Read the whole post on]  |
Brussels 2013 Review: CULT Is A Wacky Found-Footage Horror Oddity Posted: 05 Apr 2013 12:00 PM PDT  Those miffed by the fact that the monsters in Apollo 18 turned out to be moon rocks with legs will likely be even more enraged by antagonists of the Japanese found-footage horror film Cult. Granted, I never actually saw the evil moon rocks movie, but I'm guessing that those walking pieces of granite couldn't possibly less frightening than the nondescript, floating CGI earthworms in this one. These earthworms are, I think, demons. They enter and exit hosts with little fuss and a soft noise that sounds like a combination of a "whoosh" and a "slurp." Sometimes they just float around the hallway and have what appear to be floating earthworm meetings. So no, Cult is not a very scary movie. That said, I'm not sure... [Read the whole post on]  |
Review: BAADSHAH - Formula, Familiarity, & Fan Service In Telugu Cinema Posted: 05 Apr 2013 11:00 AM PDT  Something happened around the twenty minute mark of Sreenu Vaitla's new Telugu masala entertainer, Baadshah, that I wasn't entirely expecting. I had been watching intently, attempting to decipher the text without subtitles, hoping to get a firm grasp on the overly complicated plot, when I reached a point of Zen-like calm. The plot no longer mattered. The characters and specifics of the film became like white noise and what remained was a visual and aural bombardment of epic proportions. Not that the film itself was anything particularly outside of the box, in fact, if anything, Baadshah is a perfect example of the Tollywood formula film, it was greater than that. Baadshah is an idea, a perfect concoction of elements mixed just right to provide a... [Read the whole post on]  |
BLUE SPRING Director Toyoda Toshiaki Helming CROWS EXPLODE Posted: 05 Apr 2013 10:00 AM PDT  Through his early career Japanese director Toyoda Toshiaki was something of the patron saint of disaffected youth.Toyoda's first trio of features - Pornostar, Blue Spring and Nine Souls - dressed up raw anger in a high gloss that somehow managed to also run deep, the slomo glamor shots and pounding soundtracks augmenting - rather than replacing - what at their core are remarkably heartfelt stories of young men lashing out in confusion at a world that has largely rejected them. They're quite simply damn good movies, personal favorites, and an enduring argument that Toyoda emerged as one of the most intriguing young talents Japan has seen in recent days.And while he's gotten away from the raw energy of these pictures in recent projects - well... [Read the whole post on]  |
Banjong Pisanthanakun's PEE MAK PHRAKANONG Posts Second Largest Thai Opening Ever Posted: 05 Apr 2013 09:30 AM PDT  Apparently the staff at Twitch aren't the only ones who have been awaiting Shutter and Alone co-director Banjong Pisanthanakun's horror comedy Pee Mak Phrakanong. Nope. Tucked away in a review at Wise Kwai is the note that Pee Mak has posted the second largest opening of a Thai film ever at the local box office, it's 21 million baht opening day take second only to the original Ong Bak, with the 100 million line crossed on the fourth day - meaning averages actually went up through the first week as word of mouth spread. So, yes, apparently the film is quite good though it sounds as though some of the comedy might be quite region-specific.Beyond the simple fact that we've been fans of Banjong here... [Read the whole post on]  |
New Teaser For Malaysian Fight Flick ONE ON ONE (1 LAWAN SATU) Posted: 05 Apr 2013 09:10 AM PDT  It was back in January that Twitch brought you the first trailer for Malaysian action film One On One (1 Lawan Satu). A gritty, down and dirty action flick featuring a number of legit fighters and an approach that blends traditional martial arts with street brawling, One On One may lack some of the shine and polish of other recent hits from the South East Asian region but it has a certain raw energy to it that makes it appealing.And now that trailer has been followed by a thirty second teaser that, again, showcases a lot of people being punched and kicked in the face. Mikael Andre, Azlan Komeng, Fyza Kader, and Along Eyzendystar. Check it below.... [Read the whole post on]  |
Brussels 2013 Review: CRAWLSPACE Is Claustrophobic, Derivative Fun Posted: 05 Apr 2013 08:00 AM PDT  The aptly titled Aussie sci-fi thriler Crawlspace is probably about as much fun as a blatant mash-up of Aliens, Scanners, Event Horizon and the last Doom video game can be. Executive Produced by Greg Mclean (director of Wolf Creek), the film certainly crosses the line between homage and rip-off several times, and offers very few ideas of its own, but it still manages to wrap all of the aforementioned titles up into well-directed, diverting package. I mentioned Doom in that list because the beginning felt like watching someone play it. Here, a number of soldiers are being sent into a secret underground science lab in the desert where the shit has hit the fan. There is a lot of yelling and shooting, and it's pretty... [Read the whole post on]  |
Review: What GHOST SWEEPERS Lacks in Scares, It Makes Up in Humor and Good Will Posted: 05 Apr 2013 07:10 AM PDT -thumb-200x200-37701.jpg) Korean cinema has proven on many occasions that it can be quite brazen when it comes to generic codes. It can sometimes seem like a kid has been let loose in a well-stocked kitchen as he begins to mix and match the most incongruous ingredients in an oversized pot. While many concoctions have succeeded in offending viewer's delicate palates, just as many bizarre recipes cooked up in the studios have delighted and surprised film lovers around the world. Ever since the landmark Korean cult film Save the Green Planet was released a decade ago, I've been particularly interested by the rather volatile but highly potent mélange of horror and comedy. Given how ridiculous horror premises often are, it may seem like a great combination but... [Read the whole post on]  |