Udine 2013 Review: TOUCH OF THE LIGHT Offers A Polite Reminder Not To Abandon Your Dreams

Udine 2013 Review: TOUCH OF THE LIGHT Offers A Polite Reminder Not To Abandon Your Dreams

Udine 2013 Review: TOUCH OF THE LIGHT Offers A Polite Reminder Not To Abandon Your Dreams

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 04:00 AM PDT

"Presented" by Wong Kar Wai and directed by Chang Jung-chi, Touch of the Light isn't an incredibly deep or adventurous movie, but I dare you to watch it and not reflect at least once, "maybe I should give some of those dreams I abandoned one more shot." This message is delivered courtesy of a blind, gifted pianist and a down-and-out aspiring dancer who strike up a sweet friendship during their first year of university and, yes, help challenge and push each other to rise above the rough hand they've been dealt. It's based on a true story, which always tends to make feel-good movies feel even better, but Touch of the Light actually takes its connection to reality one-step further, casting the real-life blind pianist...

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US Ambassador Calls For Australians To Stop Pirating GAME OF THRONES

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 02:30 AM PDT

Come on Aussies, this is serious. The US Ambassador to Australia, Jeffrey Bleich, has set aside diplomacy to issue a drastic call for Australians to stop pirating Game of Thrones. In a missive posted on his official Facebook page at 3:14am Tuesday 23 April (he was obviously up late deliberating about it, drinking whiskey and typing furiously) Bleich takes the extraordinary step of targeting Australians over the HBO show, as they are "some of the worst offenders with among the highest piracy rates of Game of Thrones in the world". He writes, "I realize that fans of Game of Thrones who have used illegal file-sharing sites have reasons. They will say it was much easier to access through these sites, or that they got frustrated by the...

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Review: AT ANY PRICE Explores The Changing World Of Modern Farmers

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 08:00 PM PDT

"It's gonna be a great harvest," says a farmer's wife near the end of At Any Price. She's referring to the corn crop, but what this resonant, well-acted drama has made clear by this point is that "you reap what you sow" applies to everything. For some of the characters, the harvest is going to be rough. Set in central Iowa in the present day, when even a profession as old as farming is being changed by technology and modern business practices, At Any Price follows the exploits of Henry Whipple (Dennis Quaid), a hard-working striver trying to provide for his family. In addition to running the farm that his grandfather built, Henry works as a salesman for a seed company, supplying the needs of...

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Guillermo Del Toro And HBO To Turn Urasawa's Manga MONSTER Into A Series!

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 07:30 PM PDT

Ooh. This is compelling. Guillermo del Toro and HBO will be working together to bring Urasawa Naoki's manga Monster to the small screen. Given HBO's success with series as of late (Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire), one would think anything was possible at this point. The manga was already adapted into an anime series by Madhouse back between 2004 and 2005.The thriller is about the worldwide search by a young doctor for the most evil sociopath that has ever lived. He is a 12-year-old boy, and the doctor's decision to save his life has unwittingly unleashed a Pandora's Box that leaves the doc battling to stop a plot of mass genocide.I don't know how a 12-year-old child has the wherewithal to plan mass genocide,...

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Texas Frightmare Weekend 2013 Brings Lunacy To The Lone Star State Once Again

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 06:00 PM PDT

2013 marks the ninth anniversary of the southwest's biggest horror convention, Texas Frightmare Weekend, and while we at Twitch don't typically do a lot of convention coverage apart from San Diego Comic Con, TFW rates as an exception due to the fact that they regularly present some of the most hyped horror films of the year at special screenings. This will mark our third year at TFW, and after seeing such gems as the southwest premiere of Lucky McKee's The Woman two years ago and Astron 6's Father's Day last year, the line-up for 2013 is even more stacked. This year TFW has teamed up with IFC Midnight to bring a few Texas premieres to the convention with a kick-ass trio of films that I...

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Now on Blu-ray: Don Coscarelli Double Feature - PHANTASM II, JOHN DIES AT THE END

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 05:00 PM PDT

Don Coscarelli isn't a name that sends studio heads scrambling for their checkbooks, but if you're a fan of esoteric and bloody horror films, you know the guy's work. Coscarelli's largest contribution to the world of horror cinema in undoubtedly the atypical slasher series, Phantasm, in which an interdimensional undertaker reaps souls for his collection of weird speechless trolls. However, he's also responsible for some of the craziest cult classics in recent memory, like his amazing adaptation of the Joe Lansdale classic, Bubba Ho-Tep, in which a retired and amnesiac Elvis Presley joins forces with black JFK against an undead Mummy foe. After ten years away from features, he's returned with a new mind-bender based on a hot, unfilmable literary property and it's now on Blu-ray...

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Witness The Sad Fate Of The Bread-Head Man

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 04:00 PM PDT

Poor Bread-Head man....

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Review: IRON MAN 3 Has Wit But Lacks Brains

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 03:00 PM PDT

Shane Black adds humour and verve to Marvel's most successful screen superhero, ensuring Iron Man 3 sees Tony Stark more acerbic and witty than ever. But while Robert Downey Jr. brings the laughs and Black supplies the thrills, the film often foregoes logic and narrative for bombast and spectacle.In the wake of last summer's phenomenally successful The Avengers, Marvel Entertainment had a fight on their hands to deliver a worthy follow-up. This very sentiment echoes throughout Iron Man 3, as we find Tony Stark (Downey Jr.) physically drained and emotionally reeling from the "gods, aliens, and other dimensions" that he encountered in New York. The film opens with Stark's voiceover, which sounds closer to a therapy session than coherent narration, and paints Stark as a seriously...

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Victor Crowley Crushes Heads In Super Bloody HATCHET 3 Trailer

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 02:15 PM PDT

Here are the basic rules of franchise entertainment. The first film establishes the world and the basic rules. The second film (usually the best) expands on that world and ups the ante. The third film? That's where things generally either start going off the rails or fresh blood is brought in and things go a bit gonzo. It would appear that Hatchet 3 is taking the latter option.HATCHET III continues the tale of the now-iconic villain Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder). As a search and recovery team heads into the haunted swamp to pick up the pieces and carnage left behind from the first two films, Marybeth (Danielle Harris) hunts down the true secret to ending the voodoo curse that has left the ghost of Victor...

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Japanese STAR TREK Trailer Teases Out Some Fresh Footage

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 01:30 PM PDT

Japan is getting all the new toys when it comes to big Hollywood releases these days. We just had a new Japanese trailer for The Wolverine that featured new footage and now here comes a Japanese offering for Star Trek: Into Darkness that also includes a fresh frame or two for the discerning Trek fan to dig out and dissect. Ah, what the heck, there's a new Spock-centric promo out there that we'll throw into the mix as well. Check 'em out below....

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Posted: 24 Apr 2013 11:30 AM PDT

It was all the way back in May of 2012 when word of an upcoming Japanese tokusatsu film titled Giant God Warrior Appears In Tokyo (Kyōshinhei Tokyo ni Arawaru) was met with great anticipation. And for good reason. Sure, it's another kaiju film with a giant monster destroying Tokyo coming from a country that has already produced lots and lots of those. But it wasn't just another kaiju film.Take a look at the talent involved. First of all, the short was commissioned by Anno Hideaki, the director of landmark anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion and to be directed by Higuchi Shinji, one of Anno's key Evangelion artists. As intriguing as the Eva connection is, however, the real hook lies farther back in Anno's past. All...

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Joyeux Noel! PANIQUE AU VILLAGE (A TOWN CALLED PANIC) Returns With New Christmas Special!

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 10:00 AM PDT

Here's an early Christmas present worth getting excited about: Panique Au Village - best known on these shores as A Town Called Panic - is returning to screens later this year with a brand new Christmas special. For those unfamiliar, the creation of Stephane Aubier and Vincent Patar is a very special kind of daft: A stop motion animated series of adventures revolving around the simply names Cowboy, Indian and Horse as they dim-wittedly live their lives and stumble into different mishaps. The feature outing of the show premiered in selection in Cannes and many thought - what with the duo nvolved in more 'serious' animation since - that this may be the end of the trio. Not so.Catsuka have word that a brand new,...

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Posted: 24 Apr 2013 09:30 AM PDT

Meet Kuroshima Mamoru, apology instructor. When mishaps occur and you need to put things right, Kuroshima is your man. He'll give you the skills you need. Among his clients: A returned ex-pat who never learned to apologize properly; an underwear company worker at the center of a sexual harassment complaint; an actor with a scandalous child; an absentee father; a movie director who accidentally slights an entire nation through sloppy casting; and, of course, ultimately all of Japan when the entire nation must apologize to save itself.Welcome to the bizarre world of Mizuta Nobuo's King Of Apologies (Shazai no Oshama), a new comedy that reunites Mizuta with his Maiko Haaaan!!! writer Kudo Kankuro and star Abe Sadao. This particular trio has hit comedy gold together...

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Tribeca 2013 Review: ADULT WORLD, An Obnoxious, Self-Consciously Quirky Would-Be Comedy

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 08:30 AM PDT

Like most other festivals, the Tribeca Film Festival is filled with films good, bad, and mediocre, but the nadir of my cinematic experiences here so far is certainly Scott Coffey's Adult World, a would-be comedy and self-described "satire" that is as grating and obnoxious as the performance by Emma Roberts at its center. There's hardly an actual human character to be found here; it's practically all broad caricature with people reduced to single character traits. There is exactly one redeeming facet to this film which saves it from being completely unbearable, but I'll elaborate on that later.Adult World introduces us to its heroine Amy (Emma Roberts) in its opening scene - a nod to Harold and Maude - in which, after sighing to her Sylvia...

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DEAD SNOW Team Returns With KILL BULJO 2, Watch The Teaser Now!

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 08:00 AM PDT

Before there was Dead Snow, there was Kill Buljo. An irreverent action comedy that sort of spoofed Kill Bill whilst very much ripping into the stereotypes of northern Norway - home to director Tommy Wirkola and writer-star Stig Frode Henriksen - Kill Buljo is what first drew attention to the Wirkola-Henriksen duo, who have since teamed up on big budget Hollywood offering Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters. And though Wirkola is currently hard at work directing Dead Snow 2 that doesn't mean they've forgotten their earlier creation. Oh, no.Now in post production for a winter release is Kill Buljo 2. Wirkola and Henriksenreturn as writers and both appear in acting parts - Henriksen reprising the title role - while Dead Snow actor Vegar Hoel, who...

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Posted: 24 Apr 2013 07:20 AM PDT

Back on April 9th Twitch broke word of an impending live action adaptation of Kiki's Delivery Service to be helmed by The Grudge and Ju-On helmer Shimizu Takashi. The novel by Kadono Eiko has proven versatile source material, triggering a stage musical and manga series in addition to the famed Miyazaki-helmed Studio Ghibli animated feature so news of a new version should not have come entirely as a surprise. And yet the news was met by skepticism, perhaps because of the choice of director, perhaps because we ourselves ran it labeled as a rumor given that we could only verify through one source and many seized on a statement from Studio Ghibli saying, "We have nothing to do with it" as a denial that it...

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Udine 2013 Review: THE WAY WE DANCE Finds the Right Beat

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 07:00 AM PDT

The latest offering from local indie director Adam Wong strives to be Hong Kong's answer to the Step Up dance flicks, and for largely transcends its budgetary limitations to deliver a toe-tapping, unashamedly feel-good romp. High-school graduate Fleur (Cherry Ngan) lives for dance. Every moment she's awake she is plugged into her music, planning out new hip-hop moves in her head. Unfortunately, however, she is trapped...working at the family restaurant scooping tofu all day long. She's even picked up the nickname "Tofu Fa" after the sweet dessert she dishes out day-in day-out. But when her university application is accepted, her prayers are answered, and no sooner does she set foot on campus, she's successfully joined a local hip-hop dance gang, BombA.What should be a dream moment...

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