ICEBREAKER: Full Trailer For Russian Disaster Flick Delivers Icy Thrills

disaster, Europe, icebreaker, International, News, russia, trailer

Based on an actual incident from 1985, upcoming Russian disaster flick
Icebreaker is based on the very simple premise that ships and ice just don't get
along. At all. And when a vessel is trapped in the far northern ice fields with
a large inceberg looming in their path the result is high drama. This one comes
from the creative team behind handsomely realized subway disaster film Metro,
and just as with that previous effort the production values here are impressive.
The scope and scale are properly epic with the disaster feeling, well,
disastery. The low rating means this one is targeted for as broad an audience as
possible but they don't seem to be holding back much at all. A first teaser for

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